
分砂罐 remove excess water 和 slimes or undesirable grain sizes from minus 4 mesh or 5mm natural or crushed s和 feeds.


分砂罐 are typically used to classify s和 for most construction specifications by removing an excess of certain intermediate mesh sizes while retaining finer mesh sizes of s和. 砂分级罐通常用于从单一砂料中对多种菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全进行分类.

菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 S和 Manager™ 分类 Tanks are capable of making one or two products for most construction s和 specifications 和 one non-spec product at any one time. 制造不同的菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全, 储罐沿着储罐的长度在每个工位上设计有两个或三个阀门, 比所要求的规格菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全数量多一个阀门. The programmable logic controller allows for the production of the specification products by opening 和 closing the tank’s discharge valves on a percent, time-controlled基础. 在初始设置之后的许多情况下, the control system usually does not require further adjustment unless there is a change in the specification products or an extreme variation in the s和 feed gradation. 


砂的分类是基于不同粒度的不同沉降速率. 当水和物料进入分级池的进料端, coarse s和 grains settle first 和 finer grains settle in successive sizes down the length of the tank. Hydraulic controls at the top of a 分类 Tank operate discharge valves at the bottom of the tank. 每个站有两个或三个排放阀, 取决于控制系统的类型和所生产的菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全.

Extending from the control enclosure at the top of the tank above each station is a four-bladed paddle near the bottom of the tank that is driven by a torque motor that generates an electrical impulse when s和 stalls the paddle. This electrical impulse controls a solenoid valve that directs pressure through a hydraulic cylinder to raise 和 lower the rod leading to the valve. 当排放阀打开时, s和 is directed to a two- or three-way divided collecting flume 和 then to the associated dewatering equipment. A programmable logic controller is used to determine the amount of s和 that is discharged to each cell in the collecting flume.

分级池的选择是基于水的处理能力和每小时给砂的吨数. 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全在确定分级池的大小时考虑两个因素:

  1. 每1 TPH的砂料需要8-10 GPM的水;
  2. 从进料中去除1 TPH的- 200目或75微米的材料需要100 GPM的水.

Tank performance can be greatly improved by precisely controlling the settling process with the addition of an optional rising current classification system. Rising current is produced by metering fresh or recirculated water through the manifold 和 pinch valve to the specific station. 水的注入力更小, 较轻的沙粒进入较长的悬浮期, 这样它们就能被带到水槽的更深处. 这增加了重新混合粗料时的菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全产量, 建筑用中、细砂等级规格. 一个可选的泵与电机, 三角皮带传动, drive guard 和 return piping can be supplied to recirculate water into the rising current manifold. 


菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 Corporation began manufacturing manually adjusted 分砂罐 in the the 1950s 和 automated units in the 1960s using computer punch cards in a card reader system. 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 was the first manufacturer to offer automated S和 Tanks with programmable logic controllers in the early 1980s. 

Today’s S和 Manager™ 分类 Tanks utilize proprietary software to adjust the classifying 和 reblending processes. 当物料积聚在给定的阀门站时,最优的量被排放到每个菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全. The touchscreen control system allows you to change 和 monitor the amount of s和 discharged as your application needs change.

S和 Manager™分级储罐的设计使其能够在需要维护时使用, 操作人员可以从储罐顶部的全长控制桥进入机器. This enclosure located under the walkway is designed to house solenoid valves 和 hydraulic cylinders that control the discharge valves. A solid steel bottom in this area ensures safe maintenance 和 prevents components 和 tools from falling into the tank area. 磨损部件, 例如阀门阀座和排放弯头, 是由耐磨聚氨酯制成的,可以快速更换吗.


砂分类槽可与水力旋流筒组合使用, 螺旋清洗机和脱水筛创建整个洗砂厂. 水力旋流器 can be used to deslime the feed prior to the 砂分级池 和 rising current water to help displace silts from the first stations. 脱水筛可以帮助去除最终菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全中的水分. These can be adapted straight onto the discharge from the 砂分级池 or fed via a Screw Washer to provide more flexibility in plant configuration 和 provide a potentially slightly improved final product moisture than a 脱水筛 alone.

在某些情况下, organics removal systems can be adapted to the 砂分级池 to meet certain product specs in areas where lignite is prevalent. These Lites-Out™ systems can be fed from the product discharge flume of the tank 和 can be configured to be taken offline when non-critical products are being produced. 



当你 接触菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 或者就近的当地授权经销商, 您可以收到有关定价以及适用性和使用您的应用程序的信息.

确定砂分级池尺寸时要考虑的关键选项包括:上升电流分级, 循环泵, 支撑结构和服务通道, 顶部的保护罩.

在选择砂处理设备时需要考虑几个因素. 这些可能包括:

  1. 进料级配和砂料粒度分布中可能出现的变化;
  2. 你方希望生产的菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全规格;
  3. 每小时进砂的吨数和与砂固体相关的水的体积.

您可以考虑的其他设备包括: Hydrosizers™、密度分离器; 水力旋流器 和 螺旋垫圈.

当然,分类坦克已经存在很长时间了,但这并不能使它们过时. 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全生产所有可用的洗砂技术,并提供最佳解决方案, 不仅仅是模块化系统或我们在地板上的菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全. 砂分级槽在某些应用中是一种非常可行、非常可靠的技术. Many major corporations 和 private companies have recently invested in this technology with excellent ROI not available with other machinery.

Decisions made at the beginning of the process of defining the machine can improve the long-term performance of the 砂分级池 — most importantly, 需要考虑菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全的耐磨性. 磨损材料添加在进料箱等区域, discharge flumes 和 hard metal valves 和 seats for the first stations can significantly change the long-term profile of maintenance cost. 砂分级罐是简单的设备,和 维护任务也相对简单.

麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全在现有设备周围配置了工厂,以提高性能, 包括添加脱泥 水力旋流器有机物去除和替换或补充 螺杆垫圈. 人们总是倾向于从零开始, 但如果现有的砂分级池处于允许其可靠运行的状态, 那为什么不用呢. 然而, 用一个牌子的泵把工厂组装起来是不可行的, 旧水池, 一些从坟场买来的非品牌水力旋流器, 二手的 脱水筛 — that is simply a recipe for long-term frustration 和 dissatisfaction on both sides of the checkbook.

麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全砂分级罐广泛应用于砂中, 砾石, 和世界各地的碎石洗涤厂.

特性 & 好处
  • Utilizes high-pressure hydraulic hoses (not flimsy metal tubing) for safety purposes 和 ease of maintenance
  • PVC落水管和聚氨酯弯头更换很快
  • Collecting flumes are heavy-duty with wide rubber lined 和 abrasion-resistant steel lined channels 和 specially designed elbows to help minimize splashing
  • 可用于便携式和半便携式设备,配有细料双螺杆垫圈


我们的客户服务团队随时为您服务. We can ship you parts, send field service technicians to your site 和 answer any questions you have. 无论你需要什么,我们都会为你服务.

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